Obtaining an official ESTA for the United States

An ESTA electronic travel authorization allows you to travel by air or sea to the United States of America. An ESTA authorization allows you to stay in the USA under certain conditions and without obtaining an American visa. To obtain your ESTA in a few minutes click on the online form.

The main conditions for obtaining an ESTA are that the stays must be tourist or business and limited to 90 days on site. This mandatory electronic pre-clearance does not guarantee admission to the USA. U.S. immigration officials make the final decision to allow entry. An ESTA only allows you to enter the United States without limiting the number of times you can stay.

An official ESTA is valid for two years, provided that the passport that allowed the acquisition is still valid. The passport must be electronic or biometric and cannot be an emergency or temporary passport.

Deadlines and how to obtain ESTA authorization

The ESTA authorization is a simple online process that replaces a US tourist visa application under certain conditions. An ESTA is obtained by filling out a form, composed of ESTA questions, which is filled out online and answered within 72 hours. If your ESTA application is denied, you will need to apply for a US visa.

In order to complete the ESTA application, you must be a citizen of a country that is part of the Visa Waiver Program. It is also necessary to have a valid biometric or electronic passport. The validity period must also cover the entire duration of the trip. A valid payment card is also required to pay for the processing of this application.

It is possible to make personal applications or to put together a file for a group application when several people entering the country for the same stay. A global payment for the whole file can be made. This simplifies the process of entering the United States while ensuring an optimal level of security; an efficient process that has been duplicated in other countries such as for an eTA Canada.

If you have any additional questions about your ESTA application, please visit our help and FAQ sections.