ESTA form questions

Citizens of countries participating in the Visa Waiver Program can fill out the ESTA form to be authorized to travel to the United States. To obtain your ESTA in a few minutes , simply click on the online form.

Find out what questions are asked when applying for ESTA.

ESTA questions in 3 different parts

The ESTA questionnaire is divided into 3 different parts composed of questions or information to be provided about the traveler. In order to complete it as accurately as possible, make sure you have the following personal documents on hand:

The first part consists of filling in a lot of personal information. You will need to provide your first name, last name, date of birth, place of birth, gender, marital status and e-mail address. You will also have to indicate your parents’ full names and possibly your social network profiles.

The second part concerns all the information related to your passport. It is necessary that you have an electronic or biometric passport, otherwise it is impossible to travel to the USA. Since December 2022 it is imperative to upload a photo of your passport when applying. This photo will automatically fill in your passport number, expiration date, date of issue and country of issue. You will need to add your permanent residence address and the country you are shipping from. You will also have to specify your job and the contact information of your employer. You will also need to provide details of your stay in the USA.

Finally, the last part is composed of yes/no questions. These last questions are about your legal history, your health and your general behavior. Answer as honestly as possible, because if you answer incorrectly, you risk not being accepted into the United States at the time of the American customs control.