Can I reapply for ESTA after being denied?

Despite a very high acceptance rate, sometimes an ESTA application is denied for reasons that only the Travel Redress Inquiry Program (TRIP) can tell you. Is it possible to reapply for an ESTA after a refusal?

How do I reapply for an ESTA after it has been denied?

If you have received a denial of your ESTA application online, it is possible to submit a new ESTA application. Depending on the reasons that led to the refusal of your authorization, it is possible that the answer will be negative again because you do not meet the requirements to obtain an ESTA. You will then have to apply for a tourist visa for the USA.

In the event that the refusal is due to a data entry error or incorrect information, it is possible to submit a new ESTA form. We recommend that you only resubmit your application if you are able to rectify these errors or if your situation has changed to meet the ESTA requirements.

Where can I reapply for ESTA?

If you wish to reapply for ESTA, the formalities remain unchanged. You will have to pay the $21 ESTA fee again. Payment is made online directly when applying for ESTA.

If you are refused again, you will have to abandon the idea of traveling with an ESTA. The traveler will need to apply for a USA visa or for permanent residence through a green card application.